Blog about Art

Learn more about Andy J. Mosure

Blog about Art2022-03-31T17:08:03+00:00

Welcome to my blog! I’ll admit I’m writing this entry while listening to music from a period of my life. I’m distracted and giggling at the introduction to Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens.  This was a show produced by my high school’s marching band in my senior year.  Fanfare as I type this welcome is hilarious to me.  Now that the music has moved on to “the tortoise,” I think I can begin.  

Ladies, Gentlemen, and in-between, I’m easily distracted.  I certainly hope these blogs amuse you as much as I amuse myself writing them. 

I intend to write these weekly entries as a bit of a brain-release as I dive into my creativity.  I’ll be writing about my process, things that inspire me, events I’ve attended, and artists that inspire me in these blogs.  Each week I solve problems and find amusement and gratitude in my work.  I work in a few mediums, so I hope this journey inspires you to try something new! 

In the spirit of gratitude, I’d like to thank the my local art community and several influences online for inspiring me to stretch and exercise my craft.  In that same spirit, I hope that my sharing helps you in your process of crafting your life, your way.  

This is my attempt to pay attention to myself.  It’s easy to put on blinders and focus. Okay, not that easy, but let’s continue… I hope this process helps me keep track of my own progress and how my style evolves throughout the years. 

Thank you for sharing in this journey with me! 


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